philosophical science



Ashley Keefner

Ashley earned her PhD in Philosophy and Cognitive Science from the University of Waterloo. During her studies, she published research on mindreading in humans and birds. Some of this research involved collaboration between the Philosophical Science Lab and the Child Cognition Lab.




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Knowledge Central

Corvid Theory of Mind


Judgments of Coercion in Mr. Big Cases

Judgments of Coercion in Mr. Big Cases

Student projects

Student projects

Avian Theory of Mind

An MA thesis synthesizing theoretical and experimental work to argue that some birds attribute mental states to conspecifics.

Philosophy and Cognitive Science
University of Waterloo
MA thesis

Animal Minds

A PhD thesis covering theoretical and empirical work on how we do and should view animals.

Philosophy and Cognitive Science
University of Waterloo
PhD thesis

Social Cognition

A PhD research area producing theoretical and experimental work on social cognition in primates and birds.

Philosophy and Cognitive Science
University of Waterloo
PhD research area