philosophical science



Wesley Buckwalter


After earning his PhD in philosophy from the City University of New York, Wesley held a Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Waterloo. During his time here, he published research on a wide range of issues in philosophy and cognitive science.




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Impossible Intentions

Toxic intentions

Intellectual Inability and Obligation

Knowledge, Adequacy, and Approximate Truth

Deciding without Intending

Knowledge and Truth

Choosing and Refusing

Moderate Scientism in Philosophy

In the Thick of Moral Motivation

Actionability Judgments Cause Knowledge Judgments

Gettier Cases: A Taxonomy

Completing the Pragmatic Turn in Epistemology

Perceived Weaknesses of Philosophical Inquiry

Intuition Fail

Knowledge and Luck

Inability and Obligation in Moral Judgment

Belief Through Thick and Thin

Knowledge, Stakes, and Mistakes

Neuroscientific Prediction and Intuitive Metaphysics

Does the Paradox of Fiction Exist?

Telling, Showing and Knowing

When Words Speak Louder than Actions

Fake-Barn Thought Experiments

Factive Verbs and Protagonist Projection

Gettier Made ESEE

Function and Feeling Machines


Emotion, Control, and the Ethics of Belief

Moral Responsibility and Implicit Social Cognition

Epistemic Injustice in Social Cognition

Implicit Bias and Moral Judgment

Epistemic Injustice in Social Cognition

Epistemic Closure in Folk Epistemology

Moral Responsibility and Implicit Social Cognition

Doxastic Voluntarism and Folk Psychology

Comparative Epistemology

Neuroscientific Prediction and the Intrusion of Intrusive Metaphysics

Inability and Obligation in Moral Judgment

Inability and Obligation in Moral Judgment

Inability and Obligation in Moral Judgment

Inductive Risk and Data on Values in Science

Doxastic Voluntarism and Folk Psychology

Action, Truth and Knowledge

The Connection Between Knowledge and Action

When Words Speak Louder than Actions

Knowledge and Luck

When Words Speak Louder than Actions

Knowledge and Luck

Factive Verbs and Protagonist Projection

Student projects

Student projects

Experimental Philosophy

‍Postdoctoral research producing theoretical and experimental work in philosophy and cognitive science.

Philosophy and Cognitive Science
University of Waterloo
Postdoctoral research